Here we are working from home, teaching homeschool, sitting in on endless ZOOM meetings and losing our ever loving minds.

The last thing we want to think about is marketing. Well not me, obviously, because I own a marketing agency – but for the average business owner, now feels like the time to pump the breaks on promoting your brand. And while I don’t disagree completely, I think you have to ask yourself one simple question: do I offer something that people need or want right now? If the answer is yes, then there is no shame in marketing your business.

I’ll offer a story – when my husband and I were first married, we went to a social function with some of my co-workers at the time. Much to my husband’s dismay none of them knew he was an attorney, rather they knew he was a musician who played the bass. He asked me about it on the way home. “You never told anyone at work I was an attorney?” I replied, “Well I didn’t want them to feel like I was trying to sell them something and since you are so passionate about music, we always talked about that.” His response? “Susan, what if they NEED an attorney?”

Marketing really is just communication. Yes, the goal is to SELL you something – a service, a product, an experience – but people have needs. This crisis will resolve and we will get back to our regularly scheduled programming eventually. So while you may not want to launch a huge splashy campaign, you don’t want to disappear completely either.

So, if you offer something, especially a product or service that aligns with what people want and need right now, it’s okay to still connect with marketing.

So DO market yourself, just don’t be a jerk about it. Which I will talk about tomorrow. 🙂

How can we help your business through Covid-19 and beyond? Contact to see how our experienced team can help you navigate the rough times to better days ahead.