Mobile use has been growing steadily for several years now, meaning designing websites with mobile functionality is no longer a cool feature, but a must for your business. Even if you think that your business caters to an older demographic, mobile devices aren’t just for younger generations; seniors are also increasingly turning to smartphones. Simply put: everybody’s doing it.

So, where do you start? As always, it’s important to know what your customers need from your site. Whether they’re seeking you out to purchase something or searching for information that is unique to your brand, an understanding of your website’s goals are crucial before starting on design. Here are some more tips to consider as you think about your website’s mobile design:

Keep it Simple

Not everything from the desktop version of your site needs to be on the mobile page. Consider this statistic from Think with Google: 80% of smartphone users are more likely to purchase from companies whose mobile sites help them easily find answers to their questions. An uncluttered, one column design that is easily scrollable makes it easier for users to find what they need quickly and efficiently.

Fast, Faster, Fastest!

A fast website is crucial for mobile sites. Customers searching for information on-the-go will quickly lose patience with a slow loading page, potentially taking their business elsewhere. You want to remove any possible hurdles and avoid customer bounce. It might seem like an uphill battle, but keep in mind that 62% of users are less likely to purchase in the future if they have a negative experience on your mobile site.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Using evocative images and videos are crucial in helping to convey your brand’s message. Don’t rely on an abundance of copy to convey necessary information. Keep things brief, with concise and punchy CTAs to ensure mobile users will convert easily. Also, make sure your copy is rendered in an easy-to-read font.

With the number of smartphone users worldwide projected to reach 2.5 billion this year, it’s easy to understand the importance of creating a mobile website that’s visual, easily navigated, and fast. What’s most important to you when visiting a business’s mobile website? Let us know in the comments!