Your business is just getting off the ground and you want to position yourself among your competitors. Branding sounds like a great idea to set yourself apart, but where do you start? The average consumer is exposed to as many as 10,000 brand messages a day, which poses a daunting challenge to any new business.

Before starting the branding process, it’s important to know your business inside out. Here are some important questions to consider:

  • Who are the customers you’re seeking to engage?
  • What service do you provide them?
  • What problem do they have that your company can solve?

While the temptation to immediately reach as many people as possible will be strong, you’ll need to hone your message to the needs of your audience. Specificity is key; crafting a message that is too broad or vague won’t break through the haze of messaging that surrounds your potential customers.

“Brand building is an ongoing conversation with your audience.”

– Jen Tesiero, Paperkite Art Director

Once you understand your business and its goals, take a look at the competition. Are you vying for the same audience, or are their differences? Take a look at their logo, website, social media presence, and marketing materials. The instinct to pick a logo and design that stands apart is natural, but make sure your design doesn’t go too far afield. Consistency is crucial, so straying too far from your core message is more likely to confuse, not attract customers.

Most importantly, says Paperkite Art Director Jen Tesiero, remember that “brand building is an ongoing conversation with your audience.” Your message and logo need to be at the forefront of all the ways your customer accesses your business, whether it’s your website, social media homepage, ads, or marketing materials. As always, Paperkite can guide you through the branding process. Contact us when you’re ready to start your journey!